quinta-feira, 27 de novembro de 2008

NIST Released 3 Security Publications

NIST is proud to announce the release of 3 documents -
1. Draft FIPS Publication 186-3
2. Draft Special Publication (SP) 800-102
3. Special Publication 800-108
See below for full details on these 3 documents.

Document #1 - Draft FIPS 186-3
As stated in November 12th Federal Register Notice, NIST requests final comments on FIPS 186-3, the proposed revision of FIPS 186-2, the Digital Signature Standard. The draft defines methods for digital signature generation that can be used for the protection of messages, and for the verification and validation of those digital signatures using DSA, RSA and ECDSA. Please submit comments to ebarker@nist.gov with "Comments on Draft 186-3" in the subject line. The comment period closes on Friday, December 12, 2008.

URL to Federal Register Notice:

URL to Draft FIPS 186-3:

Document #2 - Draft Special Publication (SP) 800-102
NIST requests comments on Draft SP 800-102, Recommendation for Digital Signature Timeliness. This Recommendation provides methods for obtaining assurance about the time that a message was signed. The concepts in this Recommendation were presented in the original public comment draft of FIPS 186,3, The Digital Signature Standard. Please provide comments to ebarker@nist.gov by December 19, 2008, with "Comments on SP 800-102" in the subject line.

URL to Draft SP 800-102:

Document #3 - SP 800-108
The National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) is pleased to announce the release of Special Publication 800-108. Recommendation for Key Derivation Using Pseudorandom Functions. This Recommendation specifies techniques for the derivation of additional keying material from a secret cryptographic key using pseudorandom functions. This key can be either established through a key establishment scheme or shared through some other manner.

URL to SP 800-108

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