The OSSTMM 2.2 has been released
The OSSTMM 2.2 (Open Source Security Testing Methodology Manual) is the latest release for auditors, penetration testers, ethical hackers, and the like.With OSSTMM 3.0 still in peer review and undergoing many edits for clarity, ISECOM decided to update the current 2.11 with the reviewed research to make immediate and necessary improvements to the current security testing standard.
The improvements are based on new research like Error Types committed during tests and Test Types which breaks down black box, white box, and gray box tests into 6 categories. The biggest addition however is the security metrics which allow for a realistic calculation of security operations.
The manual is also much cleaner to make it more presentable for those who like to present it to their executive management or even their customers. Get your copy at: (look at the bottom of page)
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