terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2008

iPhone Denial of Service Exploit

Leiam está notícia publicada na MacInTouch:
We confirmed an iPhone denial-of-service vulnerability, hard-crashing an iPod Touch with this sample exploit, which posts a confirmation screen before doing its damage.

Full Disclosure: iPhone remote DoS :(
  Hi, my friend g0tcha and myself came across a remote DoS (I know it sucks) in iPhone (tested on 1.1.2) while looking for a jailbreak for 1.1.3. By browsing to http://open-security.org/ifuk.html you can trigger the following:
# /Applications/MobileSafari.app/MobileSafari
2008-01-22 13:27:04.668 MobileSafari[230:d03] Safari got memory level
warning, killing all documents except active.
2008-01-22 13:27:06.081 MobileSafari[230:d03] Safari got memory level
warning, killing all documents except active.
which creates a Kernel panic

Apple iPhone 1.1.3 remote DoS exploit
  The Apple iPhone remote DoS for 1.1.2 was discovered by c0ntex, but it actually works on 1.1.3 as well. After further research it also appears that this was a known issue with Firefox version 1.5.04 and was effected cross-platform. Called Mozilla Firefox JavaScript navigator Object Vulnerability. I recommend you disable Java until Apple releases a fix or patch.

terça-feira, 13 de maio de 2008

MacScan 2.5.3 BETA - Testers Wanted

Here is the latest beta version of MacScan 2.5.3. Please test it when you get the chance.

SecureMac, Inc is pleased to announce the beta release of MacScan 2.5.3. This new version of MacScan fixes a bug when scanning for certain spyware files.  MacScan 2.5.3b also features the latest spyware definition and tracking cookie blacklist files.

This new version is still considered to be a beta version, and as such it is not recommended to run it on a production machine as it is not warranted to function properly and may cause damages or irregularities to the computer.

If you would like to assist in beta testing this new version of MacScan, please run spyware scans as normal, and use the beta feedback form that appears when you quit MacScan to report any feedback or bugs to our development team.  We are especially looking for feedback with regard to any crashes that might appear when running Quick, Full, or Custom Scans.

MacScan 2.5.3b can downloaded directly from http://macscan.securemac.com/files/MacScan_2_5_3b.zip


Nova ameaça para Phishing

Hoje, um colega de trabalho pediu para verificar um e-mail que ele recebeu através do Hotmail. No corpo da mensagem, vinha escrito "Confirmação", e um anexo redirecionava para o link http://xrl.us/xxxxx (xxxxx eu que coloquei, para não liberar o endereço falso para vocês). :)
Pois bem, pesquisando, descobri que esse endereço xrl.us pertence ao site http://metamark.net. O que é isso? Um serviço gratuito de redirecionamento de URLs longas para um endereço curto. Por exemplo, http://www.apple.com se transfroma em http://xrl.us/ba74o. Desnecessário dizer que isso pode ser utilizado para phishing e outros tipos de ataques. Normalmente, o usuário antes de clicar verifica se a URL não aponta para um executável, um batch, etc...
Neste caso, ele só aponta uma URL curta, sem você saber exatamente para onde...
Fica o alerta!